texas marital agreements

Our Firm Has Written Over 900 Marital Agreements

Texas Custom Prenups and Postnups

Tailor your own agreement that takes into account your specific situation with a custom prenuptial or postnuptial agreement and enjoy the flexibility it has to offer.

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Highlights of Custom Prenup/Postnup Marital Agreement

  • Appropriate for those who do not want such a clear cut scheme
  • The document can provide for anything to which the parties agree.
  • Certain assets can be kept separate and others can become community.
  • The division of any community property can be specified or all can be separate and one spouse can agree to give the other periodic gifts of cash or property.
  • There are endless options.

Choose McNamara Law for Your
Prenuptial Needs and Recieve

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with a 24-Hour turnaround

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Written by an
experienced attorney

*You have 14 days to review the documents. Tell us the package is not what you want within 14 days after we send your documents and we will refund the full purchase price back to your credit card.

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