
Our Firm Has Written Over 900 Marital Agreements

Texas Online Postnuptial Agreements

A postnuptial agreement is made during the marriage (post-marital), dividing community estate into separate estates. It is a premarital agreement after marriage. Get your postnuptial agreement online with a 7-day money back guarantee.

Starting at $399

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Highlights of Online Postnuptial Agreement

  • Partitions Community Estate into Separate Estates
  • Short and Easy to Read
  • Legally Binding
  • No Community Property After Agreement is Signed
  • Lists Each Spouse’s Separate Assets & Debts
  • Separates Retirements
  • Everything Acquired by a Spouse After Signing will be Separate Property
  • All Income will be Separate Property of the Spouse Who Earned it
  • Allows Joint Purchases
  • Allows Joint Accounts
  • May File Joint Tax Returns
  • Allows Transfers & Gifts Between Spouses
  • No Alimony, Maintenance, or Spousal Support
  • Each Accepts the Other’s Will

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*You have 14 days to review the documents. Tell us the package is not what you want within 14 days after we send your documents and we will refund the full purchase price back to your credit card.

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